The scene take place in Pieceof's house. Brigitte is expulsing the chinese out. Suddenly, the telephon rings. Peter answers.

PETER: Brigitte, telephon !
BRIGITTE: Kick you ass, brother, I'm in the commodities.
PETER: You're so milk, it's Mr Gay, come on !
BRIGITTE: I can't. What does he want, this lifewool ?
PETER: He has lots of underifs. You must joined him at the Fuck-The-Queen station.
BRIGITTE: I didn't understand... Where ?
PETER: In the ass !

Gunthar Pieceof, their father, come. He is angry.

GUNTHAR: What a green father ! You're so milk, Peter !

Brigitte has finished.

GUNTHAR: How ! What a smell ! Do you mind if I open the window ?
BRIGITTE: I've to go. Bye !
PETER: Get out. And pay attention to your ass !


Find the relationship between two sentences:

1. Your mother walks like a penguin.
2. Bobby is dead.
3. Brigitte has a large ass.
4. Your sister has problems to walk.
5. Grand-Mother can't sit down.

A. Bee Gees forgot pussyairton.
B. Your father is over-membred.
C. His boyfriend is a poussinou-defractor.
D. The egyptus prepared a too big young woman's dream.
E. Grand-Father has used the H-Preparation as toothpaste.

Note: each first sentence can have different answers. It's to you to find them !

Note: There is a green mother's answer who works with all the first sentences ? Find it !


- A friend says a very very very bad jokeĀ : he is milk.
- You have too much eaten: you have to expulse the chinese. (or we can say: to go to the toilets, to mismoule...)
- A friend always speaks about ass, sex, poussinou, egery-fucking, fist...: he is a green father.


You don't say "My sister is a green father" but "My sister is a green mother" !

Note: My mother is a green sister doesn't work too.

WHAT CAN WE DO WITH... a poussinou ?

-To defract a poussinou.
-To do again a poussinou.
-To explose the poussinou.
-To perfore the poussinou.